This game was a lot of fun it was pNeemo's tier 4 theme force (Eye of the Storm) It made me want to expand, and build a full tier 4 pNeemo list. I just need a unit of Stormblades (grey ones are borrowed), a Sentinel, three Stormsmiths, and the Thunderhead (also borrowed). So maybe by June 2013 I'll have that put together.
I was really happy with the way the game went against Menoth. I played really well and had to claw back a lot after a really lack-luster feat turn. Siege's first rocket missed the Templar, and the second shot did a whopping eight damage. The Defender followed form and put ten damage on the Reckoner. Not the ideal feat turn but I did not let it tilt me, I had to back off a little bit and re-engage. I used the wall to my advantage to stop the Menoth jacks from charging. At one point Gorman black oiled the Crusader and the Reckoner with one grenade. The game ended with two exploding dice rolls from the Reckoner and Redeemer into Siege.
Achievements! I earned so many!
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