Monday, December 3, 2012

I've been working hard on some Cygnar.

I have the Winter Rampage coming up in six days now, and I have been cranking out some models to get ready.  In the last two weeks I have painted Seige, the Squire, the Journeyman, Arlan Strangeways, and Ol'Rowdy.

My Primary event list is:
Seige Brisbane                        +5
Squire                                        2
Ironclad                                     7
Ol' Rowdy                                 9
Defender                                   9
Minuteman                                5
Gorman Di'Wolfe                     2
Journeyman Warcaster              3
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator   1
Arlan Strangeways                    2

The theory behind this list is to pepper the enemy with rockets and defender cannon shots until the Warjacks can engage and trigger the rampages.  I included Gorman in the list to help swing armor or deploy annoying smoke clouds.  The Journeyman is not there to power anything I just want to be able to put Arcane Shield on the things I don't want beaten up to badly.  Arlan is there to be the Swiss army knife that he is, and Reinholdt really should be subtracted from Seige's warjack points.  I would love to see an Epic Seige with +4 Warjack points that includes Warcaster attachment Good Guy Reinholdt.

I have everything painted in the list except for the Minuteman.  I wanted something really cool for the Minuteman so he is mid-flight!  I just need to find a dowel for him.  The booster effects are from and they are HUGE!

I also want to use at least all of my painted warcasters so PStryker, and both Haleys should be making an appearance as well.

Leave comments below!  Have a cool Summer rampage story to tell?  Post it in the comments section below.

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