Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Siege Brisbane at 50 points

I've been working on a Steamroller list using Siege Brisbane.

Warjacks 18 Points
Gun Mages 12 Points
Four Up Tough 11 Points
Support 10 Points
Aiyana & Holt 4 Points

I wanted to make a list that is difficult to remove.   Siege and two heavy warjacks is a lot of armor to get through.  I really like Siege with a Defender.    Phat Asian of Muse on Minis fame once spoke about what a force multiplier it is to have two Defender cannon shots instead of one.  It makes a lot of sense to me because multiple high POW boosted shots should take down systems.  Rowdy is in the list to provide the counter charge, and to be accurate.  Mat 8 with a boost is much more comforting than Mat 6 with a boost.  Rowdy is handy to contest or hold objectives, plus the focus efficiency that aggressive provides allows Siege to camp more.  And remember kids; a camping Siege is a happy Siege.

Boomhowler with Jonas Murdoch it is a beautiful thing.  This is a large piece of hard to remove.  Murdoch does three big things for the Boomhowler squad.
1.             The assault order for an extra attack when charging into close combat.
2.             Go to Ground gives the unit cover for a turn, and clears up all the shot angles for everyone else.
3.             Keeps Boomhowler alive for longer.  I can put Boomhowler in safer places every turn because Murdoch takes over coherency duty.
Boomhowlers and Siege with two heavies is a lot to have to remove from a zone or objective.

In a multiple objective game the force usually splits into two flanks.  The Gun Mages and Aiyana & Holt remove models at 12 - 14 inches.  The other reason I choose all the gun mages is that I needed accurate shooting.  Siege is a six when it comes to shooting so I wanted loads of accurate shooting to remove the high defense stuff.  As much as I want to I can’t kill everything on the board with Siege’s Rocket Launcher so having access to so many long-range shots that are hard to shoot back really works out.  Also POW ten pistols become deadly to almost anything when breach is active.

The last piece of the puzzle is the supporting cast.  I use Gorman to increase my defense early game, and decrease my opponent’s defense or armor late game.  The Journey(wo)man is there to provide arcane armor, and the last ditch effort hand cannon shot.  Aiyana and Holt are useful piled on top of excellence.  Model removal, armor swings, and magic weapons.  This list really does not need the magic weapon buff that she provides but it is good to have incase Siege does not have the focus to cast Explosivo on the Defender.  Reinholdt is a given with Siege, and the Squire is the same way.  The last supporting member is Captain Arlan Strangeways.  I like everything about this guy except that he is a character model.

So in closing the list can deal with heavy armor because that is what Siege does, it can take and hold objectives, and it can remove troop spam of any sort.  So far it is just good, I really like the way the list has come together.  I do plan on using this list in an upcoming Steamroller tournament on January 6th.  Now I just need a second list.

What do you guys think?  Am I off my rocker?  Let me know in the comments section below.

The army list was built using The War Room.  Visit for more information on The War Room App.

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