Monday, March 18, 2013

Fail Jackson

Not only did I not finish the models on time, I haven't even finished the bases!  I put the final paint on the models three days after the Monday challenge.  The Mechanithralls haven't even been touched.
 This is what the Raiders looked like on Monday.
This is  what the Mechanithralls still look like.
 Here is the finished unit.  I am trying to figure out how to make the bases look like wood docks.

 Instead of painting those Mechanithralls I put these guys together.  I heard that they are pretty good.
 I fielded the Raiders with pSkarre yesterday and it went very very well.  I was playing against a Retribution list with Ossyan, two griffons, a banshee, Aiyana & Holt, Narn, a Mage Hunter Assassin, and the full unit of Invictors with UA.  The rest of my list was Banes+UA, a Helldiver, Tartarus, and a minimum unit of bile thralls.  The scenario was Ghost Town the Umbra League special scenario.
Turn 1:  My opponent used Ossyan to cast Quicken on the Invictors, and the rest of his army ran across the field.  In response I flanked the Raiders off to the right at midboard in order to threaten the entire flank.  The Banes ran forward but not so far forward that he would be able to Aim with the Invictors the following turn.  I also had a minimum unit of bile thralls also piled in behind the banes.  I also "accidentally" moved my Slayer way ahead of the army to try and draw more stuff in.  (For reference the silver wreck marker doughnut is where the Slayer used to be.)  Skarre moved forward a few inches, and cast ritual sacrifice removing one of the bile thralls.
Turn 2:  My Slayer was charged by a Griffin and two invictors, and two of my Bane thralls got charged by two Invictors each.  I totally forgot that Invictors were a viable close combat unit.  The Slayer got smoked, and of course the two bane thralls died.  In response I purged three of my bile thralls on the Invictors, which killed all but three of them and caught the Mage Hunter Assassin as a bonus.  Skarre then moved to where you see her in the picture, cast Dark Guidance and camped four thanks to the ritual sacrifice from the previous turn.  The Raiders charged the Banshee and failed almost completely to do anything at all.  The Banshee took four damage and Ossyan took two from feedback.
Turn 3:  Aiyanna tried to Kiss Skarre, and failed, Holt tried to shoot her twice and failed, Ossyan shot Skarre, and did a fair amount, and one of the Griffins got a charge off on Skarre after the bane engaging it missed the free strike.  The result of all of this was that Skarre was down to three health.  In response I spent four for Dark Guidance, spent two to heal, then popped feat and cut for four.  Skarre then proceeded to totally wreck the Griffon that had charged her the previous turn.  Being a Retribution player he did not have a wreck marker so the bonejack wreck marker was substituted.  Next item of business, banes charged Narn, Aiyanna. and Holt removing them from the board.  The Raiders then charged the Griffin, and Ossyan, and continued to whip on the Banshee with renewed vigor thanks to +4 Strength, and Power Swell. 
So that was the end of the game.  Raiders with the mega charge from the right hand side.  I think next time I play them I will spend less time flanking and follow more of a direct path to the opposing force.

Till next time Patrons!

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